Review Duplicates
The Duplicate Review page lists groups of items from your ERP that have the same manufacturer number in the GHX Catalog.
Click Dashboard. Alternatively, you can open the Duplicate Review page by clicking Content Management > Duplicate Review.
Tip: A red flag with a red number indicates that either the items have been sitting in the queue for a long time or that there are a large number of items in that queue. If there are no items for review, the area will be blank.
Click the number in the New column of the Duplicate Review task. The Duplicate Review page opens and shows a list of duplicates filtered by the New task status.
Tip: Data Connect automatically collapses the left navigation pane to give you more space to work in the right pane. To expand the left pane, select the side arrow
on the left.
Work through the list of duplicates.
Available actions:
Action Description Filter Select attributes, conditions, statuses, or clear existing filters to manage the list. Columns Click to select columns to show or hide. Move Select duplicates and move them to one of the following tabs:
Parking Lot – Use when you cannot make a decision about the item (for example, when you need a colleague’s feedback)
Tip: You can email Parking Lot items to another user within your organization.
Inactivate – Use to move the duplicate items to the Inactivate queue, then from there select the items that should be inactivated
Tip: You can export a list of the Inactive items to a spreadsheet that your organization can use to inactivate those items in your ERP.
Keep – Use to keep the duplicate items in your ERP (per your organization's business needs); moving items to this queue removes them from Data Connect's Duplicate Review intake queue
Compare Note: This is future functionality.
Export Select duplicates to export them as .xlsx, .csv, or .txt files. Email Select duplicates that you want to send to an email address. GHX saves these files as .xlsx, .csv., or .txt, based on your selection, and includes a link to those files in the email message. See Send Duplicates by Email for details.