Spend Analysis Report
The Data Connect Spend Analysis report shows how relevant the items in your item master are when compared to your organization's actual spend. The more aligned the data, the less risk you have of overpayment. Use the report to assess your category standardization and see where there is opportunity for improvement.
The data set includes 18-months of purchase order history (POH) and your organization's item master data. That data is organized using the following metrics:
Spend by vendor
Spend by manufacturer
Spend by contract
Spend by category (UNSPSC)
Items can be active or inactive and curated or non-curated. The following UNSPSC filters are available: Segment, Family Class, and Commodity. You can display and export the report as either a basic view or as an expanded view. To drill into the raw data, click the Export button.
Scroll down to view this additional data:
Heat maps that identify your organization's spend by segment, family, class, and commodity by noun and type
Bubble graphs showing spend categories including category, segment, family, class, dollars of spend, percentage of total spend, number of PO line counts, number of vendors, and number of manufacturers
Line graphs showing Family, Segment, Vendor, and Manufacturer data by spend