Consulting - KPI Tracking |
Cust Item ID, Contract #1 (Primary) ID, 12 Mos Times Purchased, Cust Vendor Code, Cust Vendor name, Cust Vendor Part #, Cust Mfr Name, Cust Mfr Part #, Cust Item Desc, Cust Price ($), Cust UOM, Cust QOE, Contract #2 ID, Cust Contract #, UNSPSC Code, HCPCS Code, 30 Day Spend ($), 12 Mos Spend ($) |
View to report Key Performance Indicators for customers. No filters. Specifically used by the Consulting Team. |
Contract Analysis View |
Item Source, Vendor Name, Cust $, 18 Mos Spend $, 18 Mos Times Purchased, Contract #1 (Primary) Price ($), Contract #2 Price ($) and Contract #2 UOM |
Analyze Off-contract and on-contract spend for all items. |
Description Review |
NuVia Full Description, Cust Item Desc, Noun, Type, UNSPSC Code |
Analyze multiple item description schemes for all active item master items. |
GL Code Review |
Cust Item Id, Cust Item Desc, Noun, Type, Cust GL Code, UNSPSC Code, UNSPSC Commodity and NuVia Full Description |
Analyze the consistent application of GL Codes for all included item master items |
HCPCS Review |
Cust Vendor Part #, Cust Charge Code, Cust Revenue Code, Cust HCPCS, HCPCS Status |
Analyze the presence of HCPCS for all item master items. |
IM Inactivation Review |
Item Source, Facility ID, Cust Item ID, Cust Vendor Name, Cust Vendor Part #, Cust Mfr Name, Cust Item Desc, Cust Item Status, Last Purchase Date, Cust Item Add Date, Cust Item Update Date, Cust Stocked, Contract #1 (Primary) ID, Contract #2, Cust Contract #, Cust GL Code, Noun, Type, UNSPSC Code, UNSPSC Class, UNSPSC Commodity, Cust Charge Code, Cust HCPCS, HCPCS Code, HCPCS Description, HCPCS Status, 19 Mos Units Purchased, 18 Mos Times Purchased, 18 Mos Spend ($) |
Research purchase and spend history of Item Master items to make guided decisions for inactivation. Specifically used by the Consulting Team. |
IM Low Utilization Review (Implementation) |
NuVia Recommendation Reason, Facility ID, Cust Item ID, Cust Item Desc, Cust Vendor Name, Cust Vendor Part #, Cust Mfr Name, Cust Mfr Part #, Cust Cust Item Add Date, Cust Item Updated Date, Cust Stocked, 18 Mos Spend ($), UNSPSC Code, UNSPSC Class, UNSPSC Commodity |
Research NuVia's recommended action and analyze purchase and spend history of Item Master items to make guided decisions for item inactivation. |
MgdSrv - Price Sync |
Cust Item ID, Cust Mfr Part #, Cust Vendor Part #, Cust Mfr Name, Cust Vendor Name, GHX Vendor Name, Cust Item Desc, Cust UOM, Cust Price ($), Contract #1 (Primary) ID, Contract #2 ID, Contract #3 ID, 30 Days Spend ($), 12 Mos Spend ($) |
Included, Item Master items, Contract Information is filtered to not Blank. Specifically used by the Managed Services Team. |
MgdSrv - Price Sync Non-Contract |
Cust Action, Item Source, Facility ID, Cust Item ID, Cust Mfr Part #, Cust Vendor Part #, Cust Mfr Name, Cust Vendor Name, GHX Vendor Name, Cust Item Desc, Cust UM, Cust Price ($), Contract #1 (Primary) ID, Contract #2 ID, Contract #3 ID, 30 Days Spend ($), 12 Mons Spend ($), 12 Mos Times Purchased, 12 Mos Units Purchased |
Included, Item Master items, Contract information is filtered to Blank. Specifically used by the Managed Services Team. |
Non-File Item Add Review |
Cust Item Id, Cust Vendor Part #, 12 Mos Spend ($), 12 Mos Times Purchased, Contract #1 (Primary) Price $, Contract #2 Price ($), Contract #2 UOM |
Research PO history item activity for the item add process. Specifically used by the Consulting team. |
POH Non-File Utilization Review (Implementation) |
NuVia Recommendation, NuVia Recommendation Reason, Facility ID, Cust Item ID, Cust Item Desc, Cust Vendor Name, Cust Vendor Part #, Cust Mfr Name, Cust Mfr Part #, 18 Mos Units Purchased, 18 Mos Times Purchased, 18 Mos Spend ($), UNSPSC Code, UNSPSC Class, UNSPSC Commodity, Contract #1 (Primary) ID, Contract #2 ID |
Research NuVia's recommended actions and analyze purchase and spend history of items to make guided decisions to add items to the Item Master. |
Product Standardization |
Cust Mfr Name, Cust Mfr Part #, Cust Vendor Name, Cust Vendor Part #, 12 Mos Spend ($), 12 Mos Times Purchased, Contract #1 (Primary) Price ($), Contract #2 (Primary) |
Analyze part number and spend information searching for opportunities to standardize products and decrease total spend. |
Spend by Vendor |
UNSPSC Code, UNSPSC Commodity, Cust Mfr Name, Cust Mfr Part #, Cust Vendor Name, Cust Vendor Part#, 12 Mos Spend ($), 12 Mos Times Purchased |
Review spend by vendor for all items. |
VIM (Virtual Item Master) Master Extract |
Facility ID, Cust Vendor Name, Cust Vendor Part #, NuVia Vendor Part #, Cust Mfr Name, Cust Mfr Part #, NuVia Mfr Part #, 12 Mos Spend ($) |
View the status of all Virtual Item Master items. |