KPI Sub-Categories

Each category-specific KPI has a set of sub-category KPIs that roll up into it.

Example: POA Lines, Item Number Exception, and Unit of Measure Exceptions are individual KPIs at the sub-category level that roll up into and determine metrics for the Purchase KPI category.

The following table shows the individual KPI sub-categories that impact each KPI category.

KPI Category KPI Sub-Category
  • Percent of PO lines with POA lines

  • Percent of PO lines with item number exceptions

  • Percent of PO lines with unit of measure exceptions

  • Percent of PO lines with unit price exceptions

  • Percent of PO lines with backorder exceptions

  • Percent of PO lines with rejection exceptions

  • Percent of PO lines with ASN lines

  • Percent of PO lines where the ASN is inaccurate

  • Percent of PO lines with quantity exceptions

  • Percent of PO lines with invoice lines

Note: Some KPIs at the sub-category level impact the category-level metrics, but do not impact or drive the Perfect Order Rate metric. These are:

  • PO lines with a backorder exception

  • PO lines with a corresponding ASN line

  • PO lines with an inaccurate ASN line