Schedule Reports
You can schedule saved reports to be automatically delivered on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. Notices of report availability will be sent by email. Reports are available for download from the cloud or through Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). These scheduled reports can include up to the most recent two years of data.
See Export Reports if you need to create a one-time report for up to the most recent 90 days of data.
Click Reports > My Reports. The My Reports page opens.
Click the Manage Settings
icon for the report you would like to schedule. The Schedule Report Settings dialog box opens.
Tip: The Cancel button does not cancel the scheduled report. Rather, it closes the dialog box.
Edit the report name and description, if needed (optional).
- Select a frequency for how often you want to receive this report. Options are:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
Tip: When scheduling a daily report, be sure to schedule the report after 7:00 AM (MST) to ensure you receive the previous day's data.
Tip: The Schedule Frequency setting should correlate to the frequency in the saved report. If the report data and the schedule are not correlated, the data on the resulting report may be confusing.
Example: Weekly – You open the POA Details report, click a Date/Time column header to open Advanced filtering, select Last 7 Days, and click Apply. When setting up the scheduling for this saved report you select the Weekly option and select the day of the week when you want the report delivered. In this case, GHX sends the report on the selected day of the week with data from the previous seven days.
Example: Quarterly – You open the PO Details report, click a Date/Time column header to open Advanced filtering, select Last Quarter, and click Apply. When setting up the scheduling for this saved report you select the Quarterly option. In this case, GHX sends the report on the first day of the new quarter.
- Select when you want the report to be sent.
- Click either the Email or SFTP tab and define those delivery details.
Note: On the SFTP tab you can choose to receive an email notification of successful and failed data transfers.
- Select an option in the Data Format area. Options are:
- Comma Separated (.csv)
- Tab Delimited (.txt)
- Pipe Delimited (.txt)
- Click Test Connection if you would like to test the email addresses or SFTP connection (optional).
- Click Update Schedule. Supply Chain Analytics saves the schedule for this report and adds it to the My Reports tab.