Log In

These steps are for suppliers and their integrated partners. Non-integrated partners self-register and access the application through a web portal.

Tip: Integrated users are trading partners that transact through GHX using EDI. Non-integrated users are trading partners whose organizations do not have EDI capability

See Self Registration for information about how non-integrated partners can self register.

  1. Go to https://login.ghx.com. The GHX Login page opens.

  2. Type your user name in the User Name/Email Address field.

    Note: Normally, your user name is your email address (for example, mjones@ghx.com).

  3. Type your password in the Password field.
  4. Click Login. The single sign on page opens.

  5. Click the Invoices link in the My Exchange list. The landing page opens.

    See Edit Preferences for landing page options.