Curate Me

Curate Me in the Content Workbench shows uncurated items available for curation. This means:

  • The system wasn't able to match your items to the GHX master catalog by manufacturer and/or vendor details, OR

  • The system was able to match your items to the GHX master catalog, but the master catalog is missing an attribute that's required for the item to be curated.

You use Curate Me to speed up the process of getting your items curated in the GHX master catalog so you can incorporate them into your ERP and Item Master very quickly.

You can view items waiting to be curated and then select up to 250 items within a 30-day rolling time period to be expedited and manually curated by GHX Content Operations. The items are curated within 72 hours on business days, starting at 12:00 AM MT.

Example: At 3:00 PM ET, you select items to be curated. The 72 hours starts at 12:00 AM MT.

Matching with GHX Catalog

We match your data to our catalog, which has curated and non-curated data. Your data can:

  • Match to GHX data that's already curated.

  • Match to GHX data that's in progress of being curated.

  • Not match to GHX data at all.

Matching Rules

The system matches by these scenarios:

  • Your manufacturer is identified but not your vendor. This is called manufacturer matched and can be seen in the Manufacturer Matched screen.

  • Your vendor is identified but not your manufacturer. This is called vendor matched and can be seen in the Vendor Matched screen.

  • Both the vendor and manufacturer are identified. These can be seen in the Expedite Items screen.

  • Neither the vendor or manufacturer is identified. These can be seen in the Expedite Items screen.

Item Recommendations

If the system identifies the manufacturer and vendor, and your items match to a GHX record that is fully curated, then the process for item recommendations runs. If an item has an exception, it is then shown in the Item Recommendations screen for you to review.